My new favourite thing is these place card scrolls! They're a gorgeous trend for 2025 weddings and a dream to write in calligraphy. 

I love experimenting with papers and card, and these little beauties are made in Italy. They're made from 40% recycled post-consumer fibres, and 15% waste from grape harvests, as well as cellulose from sustainably managed forests. 

The card is a delicate pale ecru, with natural flecks in the weave adding texture and authenticity. Names are written in modern calligraphy, and each card is curled around a calligraphy pen by hand.

Due to the quality of the card, these scrolls won't lose their shape so you can order them a month or more before your wedding and they'll be as good as new when your guests sit down for dinner!

wedding place card scrolls uk

These wedding place name scrolls are currently priced at £2 for first names, and £2.50 for full names. 

Buy your wedding place card scrolls here

Find more wedding place name ideas here