As a calligrapher writing bespoke poems and wedding readings in beautiful calligraphy is my favourite thing to do.
I've put together this gallery to show you the styles I write: they're flowing and swirly, modern and captivating to read!
More than anything I love to write song lyrics for alternative rock and metal tunes in beautiful calligraphy. Turning something very raw and masculine into a stunning piece of flourished lettering is a kind of magic!
There are some simpler pieces here if you're looking for a less ornate calligraphy style for your commission.
Colour is absolutely key: white or pale inks on dark background colours look amazing and really bring modern calligraphy styles to life.

1. (above) black paper, white ink, Counting Crows

2. Black paper, whtie ink, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

3. Off white paper, black ink, for Brie

4. Navy paper, white ink, Your Song

5. Black paper, white ink, Einstein quote

6. Sage green paper, white ink, bespoke poem calligraphy

7. Navy paper, gold ink, Hope is the thing with feathers

8. White paper, black ink with gold leaf, The Stick-Together Families

9. Navy paper, gold ink, In My Life

10. White paper, black ink, simpler style of calligraphy

10. Another look at that Beatles number in gold ink on blue!
If you had something special in mind for your calligraphy commission and don't see it here, please get in touch and ask!
Email me at